Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Packing. GUH.

I could barely sleep last night, you guys! It's the holidays, and this particular holiday season brings with it a TEN DAY (save for one day of working remotely, and I love my job anyway so wheeee) vacation. I've always worked these days of the year- I was a waitress way back when- and last year I stayed in NYC, working while most of my friends were away anyway. I wore leggings and glasses every day, which, don't get me wrong, sounds like comfort HEAVEN right now. I had nothing to be dolled up for, nothing to be excited about. The leggings and specs felt like a luxury at first, but by December 26th I was BORED. 
This year, i'm going back to Washington, DC (where I grew up) for my break. I laid awake last night, excited to see old friends, pondering last year's fashion fate...and wondering what in the WORLD to pack. Although, to be fair, the better question to ask myself should have been "what can I afford to leave behind?"
The leopard pumps! THE LEGGINGS. What about that tunic sweater? I have to take that sweater! Would this sweater be good? Oohhh yeah I need to take that one, for sure!
Five minutes into my sheep-less (and sleepless! RHYMES! I'm on a gingerbread cookie-induced sugar high, kids. So many apologies) reverie, my brain was a scramble of staples, accessories, and footwear that wouldn't match any of it. I started freaking out that my house-sized suitcase wouldn't even fit half of the things I so "needed" to bring.
A less intense version of this wardrobe panic grips me every time I head to the nation's capital for more than a day. It's somewhere between excitement and mild terror. At the heart of it, I know the real reason my fashion Spidey sense goes into overdrive...and I'm not proud of it.
When I go home, I want to impress people. 
I'll run into everyone I ever knew as a kid! The quarterback will wonder why he never noticed me. The computer-nerd-turned-hot-computer-nerd will wonder why he never noticed me. My high school crushes (yes, all 48,564,849 of them) will wonder why they never noticed me. Are you sensing a theme here? Don't even get me started on the classmates I *didn't* like- jealousy, admiration, wonder as to where I got those awesome boots...oohhh, they'll feel it all. Victorious I shall emerge from this unplanned childhood reunion! 
So. Now that I've sufficiently embarrassed myself. I decided I needed a plan for packing successfully. Even if I want to look put together for the right reasons (such as, I just enjoy looking put together), packing still requires a strategy. In this case, my midnight panic has turned into your go-to guide for packing- and traveling- like a fashionista. You're welcome.

1. Check the weather for where you'll be.
It always surprises me how I can get so caught up in outfit planning that I often forget entirely that a new locale sometimes brings with it a new climate. No need to do all that outfit planning only to realize that you'll need to bring- heaven forbid- that warm but chunky sweater that will only emphasize the 1.79 pounds you'll put on from eating all those cookies. Because you know you won't be able to resist the cookies. Or eggnog.

2. Pack the basics FIRST.
Look, I know those hot pink ankle skinnies from Current and Elliott make your butt look awesome, but the "OMG I CAN'T BE SEEN IN THE SAME THING TWICE!" factor counts them out as a basic. No one's going to call you out for wearing solid navy denim twice, and I doubt you'll mind wearing those standbys more than once anyway. Same goes for leggings and solid camis. 
Oh, and if you pack more than one pair of blue or dark-rinse jeans and count them both as basic items, I'm onto you, Grant.

3. Shoes!
Shoes are really my favorite part of the packing "experience," for a few reasons. First of all, "I only had 1 suitcase. Sad face. :(" is a GREAT excuse for wearing only flats and booties. Yes I realize they're all I EVER wear, and no, it's not a problem. Boss lady, if you're reading this, I promise I'll wear heels for New Year's though!! Maybe. Probably. Definitely. Eh.
Second, how many pairs of shoes do you need to bring, really? 
Don't answer that.

4. Sweaters, tunics, and tees.
Two of each should be plenty. You're going to eat, you're going to be merry, and you are NOT going to want to wear any of those tight tanks that looked so good in the summer. They will be tight, you will look seasonally ridiculous, and you will most likely feel more self conscious than hot. Not worth it. If you insist on showing off those toned arms even though it's -15 outside, bring 1 or 2 flowy cotton tanks. They look great under a sleek boyfriend blazer, and pairing with that smart layer makes it look totally winter right, even though we all know you're just waiting to take that thing off and surreptitiously flex your guns.

5. Accessories and Second Layers.
A sweet scarf or a streamlined loose blazer take leggings and a tee from casual and laid back to fashion-forward and put together in seconds. All you have to do is swap out the Chucks for some knee high boots. I know the sneaks are comfy but you'll appreciate the quick and easy mood change.

6. Special Pieces.
This part is actually the most fun, I must admit (ok, so it's not the shoes. Sigh). That silky strappy billowy midnight blue tank you bought on sale in August- and still has the tags on it- can finally come out of the closet! No, I'm not speaking from experience. -s. Plural. Hmph. 
So pack that sweet festive shirt. Bring the sparkly A-line dress. You can even pack the pink C&E denim. Just don't count them as a basic so that you can bring another "special" item. You get 3 of these special pieces, NO EXCEPTIONS. I know your special pieces have a beckoning call similar to that of a Siren, so preemptively have your men (your stylist pal, gay best friend, roommate, whatever, I don't care) tie you down, a la Odysseus. We all know you'll need the enforced restraint.

Lastly, pack the forgotten stuff. I have PJs and underthings at my old house- where I stay- so I don't need to pack them. That said, maybe you do. Think about your vacation needs, what you'll be doing, where you'll be going. I think through who I'll be seeing and the activities I'll be getting into. The forgotten stuff is sometimes the most important, so if you have to remove a special piece to make room...well, I feel sorry for you but them's the cards.

Oh, one more thing!! Wear layers and your bulkiest shoes when you're in transit. The train is gross and sweaty, and then freezing, then hot again...ugh. Nothing is worse than finding yourself on a stuffy train in a pullover sweater. That's the stuff nightmares are made of. As for the shoes, I wear my knee-high boots to save packing room for the special pieces. Duh.

Keep in mind, this list is based on a week and a half trip. You might have to trim the numbers of items you bring, although the ratios should remain similar. 
So travel in comfort, get home safe, and show off your fabulous style to those hometown kids you felt like you never quite measured up to. Or, ya know, just have a blast on vacation with your pals. Either one.

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